Celebrating B.C.’s Museums: Past, Present, and Future
Summer 2021
Notes from the Editor
Welcome to the first online edition of Roundup! We hope that you enjoy this new format of the BCMA’s longstanding sector-specific magazine. Our goal in changing up the presentation of this publication is to provide you with timely, relevant, searchable, and more accessible content. So please share both your feedback and article suggestions with us (roundup@museum.bc.ca) as we continue to adapt our approaches to best suit your needs.
Issue 281 looks closely at where the organization and the sector has been, where it’s currently at, and anticipates future foci. Join us in Celebrating B.C.’s Museums: Past, Present, and Future, and the people who work tirelessly to promote arts, culture, and heritage, diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility within their communities, and across the lands that we know today as the Province of B.C. and Canada. We hope this issue encourages you to reflect on your experiences as cultural consumers and/or professionals and compels you to choose a path that allows us all to move forward together in a good way.

Me and my girls (Naki and Olive), Summer 2020. Photo credit: Lindsay Foreman.

Statement by Christopher Derickson, y̓il̓mixʷm Westbank First Nation
Concerning the Unmarked Graves of Indigenous Children Discovered at the Kamloops Residential School in May 2021

Celebrating BC's Built Heritage
Standing on the 1926 Alexandra Bridge above the Fraser River, is like standing atop an iceberg of history. The bridge, situated at a narrowing of the river near the Nlaka’pamux village site of Kequeloose on the traditional lands of the Spuzzum First Nation (SFN), has been a natural west-to-east crossing point for millennia.

Spotlight on Museum Ed | Virtual Community Connections
stɑl̓əw̓ Arts and Cultural Society, formerly Coast Salish Arts and Cultural Society, was established as a not-for-profit organization in 2014 to support, uplift, and empower Indigenous artists to share their gifts throughout the Metro Vancouver region.

History Sanitizer
Now is the time to examine sanitation practices. And I don’t mean your COVID-19 cleaning protocols. I am referring to identifying instances whereby seemingly uncomfortable histories may have been “sanitized” in favour of presenting a more comfortable version of history to visitors.

Author Conversation with Grace Eiko Thomson
This memoir interweaves the experiences of Sawae and Grace as their relationship is strengthened over the course of their lives. The lack of understanding and frustration felt at times between both women is palpable by the reader, but the love that they shared and the respect that they had for one another was ever-present.

Inspirational Updates | Chinatown Storytelling Centre
In 2017 the Vancouver Chinatown Foundation received a $75,000 B.C. | Canada 150 Grant to support the development of the Chinatown Storytelling Centre.

Inspirational Updates | Rockwood Lodge
In 2017 the District of Sechelt was awarded a $65,000 British Columbia | Canada 150 Grant through the BC Museums Association to repair and renovate the lower level of Rockwood Lodge.

2021 Reflections from BCMA Staff and Board
The COVID-19 pandemic, and our sector’s ongoing recovery, have provided a timely opportunity to reflect on the past, present, and what we hope for the sector’s future. Here we share insights provided by past and present BCMA staff and Board members about what the BCMA organizational, and the sector’s foci have been, and identify topics/issues that should be prioritized moving forward.

Notes and Farewell from the Editor
In addition to this change in magazine format, it is with a heaviness in my heart that I report that this is my last issue as Managing Editor. It’s been a fantastic experience working with the BCMA staff, Council, and Committee members, and of course, with all of our amazing contributors over the past couple of years. I’ve been fortunate to meet and hear from so many different arts, culture, and heritage advocates, and to hear and share your inspiring stories.
Keep an eye out for information from these BCMA supporters in the articles!
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This 4-course micro-credential brings focus and increased understanding to the skills and strategies needed to build and maintain relationships with diverse communities so organizations can better engage and serve their public(s).
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For more than 25 years H i-Cube and Spacesaver have been trusted to design, supply, and install storage solutions that preserve and protect collections to more than 45 museums in BC and the Yukon.
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Check out our previous issue for more!
Roundup Issue 280
Celebrating the Strength and Resilience of B.C.’s Cultural Sector