BCMA Networks
Targeted support networks for equity-deserving arts, culture, and heritage students, professionals, and volunteers.
Explore Current BCMA Networks:

Coming Soon
More ways to connect coming soon!
IBPOC Cultural Professionals Network
Connect with museum, gallery, and heritage IBPOC professionals from across British Columbia.
IBPOC Cultural Professionals Network
Responding to the immediate needs identified by racially marginalized museum workers, the IBPOC Network provides support for IBPOC (Indigenous, Black, People of Colour) students, volunteers, and professionals of our community through workshops, webinars, networking, and resource development.
IBPOC Tea & Talk
Connect with museum, gallery, and heritage IBPOC professionals from across British Columbia. Brew a mug of tea and catch up, ask questions, and seek advice from one another alongside our IBPOC Museum Professionals Advisory Group members.
The IBPOC Network Podcast
Welcome to the IBPOC Network Podcast: a space where racialized folks in our sector can share our stories.
IBPOC Network Listserv
This Listserv provides a forum for IBPOC members of the arts, culture & heritage community to discuss issues and promote opportunities through a monitored mailing list.
2SLGBTQIA+ Cultural Professionals Network
Connect with arts, culture, and heritage 2SLGBTQIA+ professionals, students, and volunteers from across British Columbia.
2SLGBTQIA+ Cultural Professionals Network
Building on the success of the BCMA’s Gender & Sexuality Inclusion Toolkit and responding to community needs, the 2SLGBTQIA+ Network aims to provide a safer, accountable space where 2SLGBTQIA+ students, volunteers, and professionals in the arts and culture sector can connect. The Network will provide targeted support for members of the queer community, and offer some resources for allies who would like to improve their individual and organizational practices.
Queer Connect
Join the BCMA’s 2SLGBTQIA+ Network for Queer Connect, a monthly opportunity to chat and share digital space with other folks in the sector from across the province and beyond. Bring your questions, your successes to celebrate, or your challenges to the group for peer support.
2SLGBTQIA+ Network Advisory Community Guidelines
To facilitate authentic relationship-building and support the emotional wellbeing of our Advisors, the BCMA dedicated three months to the co-creation of process standards prior to any program development for the Network. This includes, but is not limited to: community guidelines, conflict management practices, and non-hierarchical decision making systems.
Queer(y)ing Museums Podcast
In this podcast we seek to deepen the discussions begun in the Gender & Sexuality Inclusion Toolkit, and highlight great work being done around the province and beyond.
Joint Network Events & Programs
Connect with arts, culture, and heritage IBPOC and 2SLGBTQIA+ professionals, students, and volunteers from across British Columbia.
Beyond the Margins
The IBPOC Network and 2SLGBTQIA+ Network are excited to join together to offer a book & media club this winter season! Beyond the Margins seeks to create a supportive intersectional space focused on community building in the arts, culture, and heritage sector. This growth-oriented network provides a space to learn from one another and build solidarity amongst queer and IBPOC folks through the exploration of diverse media.
IBPOC & 2SLGBTQIA+Networks Joint Events Community Guidelines & Code of Conduct
The networks aim to provide a protected, accountable space where 2SLGBTQIA+ and/or IBPOC students, volunteers, and professionals in the arts sector can connect. Our networks seek to celebrate and create space for intersectional identities, and provide an opportunity to build networks of support and solidarity in the arts, culture, and heritage sector – all who identify as IBPOC and/or 2SLGBTQIA+ are welcome!
Joint Event Incident Reporting
If you would like to discuss an incident directly with a BCMA team member, please contact: IBPOC Network Coordinator at: communications@museum.bc.ca or outreach@museum.bc.ca 2SLGBTQIA+ Network Coordinator at: community@museum.bc.ca