BCMA Bursaries

The BCMA offers a selection of annual funding opportunities to support the ongoing professional development of our members.


2025 Professional Development Bursaries

2025 Bursary Applications are being accepted until February 3, 2025. Final results will be communicated by February 10, 2025

Questions about BCMA Bursaries? Email us.

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2025 Professional Development Bursaries

Review each bursary for full guidelines and other key information.


Membership Status

Applicant should be a BCMA member OR be employed by or volunteer for a BCMA member institution

If this is a barrier to you or if you have questions about your eligibility, please contact development@museum.bc.ca

The following individuals are encouraged to apply:

  • IBPOC culture and heritage professionals
  • Unemployed/underemployed culture and heritage professionals
  • Students interested in the museum sector
  • Emerging professionals who have worked in the museum sector for less than five (5) years


Eligible Expenses

There is no restriction on the training provider. Consideration will be given to both credit and non-credit educational opportunities.

Eligible expenses include but are not limited to consultant fees, tuition or registration fees, travel, and textbooks.


Applications are evaluated on the basis of:

  • Financial need of the institution or individual making the application.
  • Suitability and proven commitment of the individual(s) nominated; and,
  • Value for money of the training selected.
    • Tuition and expenses for a credit course at a local college or university may be rated higher than an application for fees, travel, and accommodation for a three-day workshop in Vancouver, for example.

Available funds

Awards typically range from $800 – $1,000. The BCMA provides up to $7,000 annually for members to engage in an educational opportunities.

Current bursaries

By Topic:

Equity & Access

Supporting equity, accessibility, and anti-racism training for staff and volunteers working in BC museums and cultural institutions.

Technology & Innovation

Supporting ongoing learning related the innovative use of technology in the arts, culture, and heritage sector.


Supporting ongoing learning in leadership and non-profit management in the arts, culture, and heritage sector.

Financial Administration

Supporting financial administration training in the arts, culture, and heritage sector.

Museum Education

Supports the development of new new skills, innovative approaches and new ways of thinking about teaching and learning in informal settings.

BCMA Conference Bursaries

The BCMA Conference Bursary helps off-set travel, accommodation and/or conference registration costs for delegates in need, students interested in the museum sector and emerging professionals.

By Name:

Joe Nagel Technology Bursary

Supporting educational opportunities related to the innovative use of technology in the museum, gallery or heritage field for staff and volunteers working in BC museums and cultural institutions.

Barrie Hardcastle Bursary

Supporting financial administration and management training for staff and volunteers working in BC museums and cultural institutions.

Equity and Access Bursary

Supporting equity, accessibility, and anti-racism training for staff and volunteers working in BC museums and cultural institutions.

Inspiring Museum Educators Bursary

Supports the development of new new skills, innovative approaches and new ways of thinking about teaching and learning in informal settings.

BCMA Conference Bursaries

The BCMA Conference Bursary helps off-set travel, accommodation and/or conference registration costs for delegates in need, students interested in the museum sector and emerging professionals.