Thank you for your support!
The BCMA would like to thank those who have generously supported us in 2023.
Donations aid us in providing programs, funding opportunities, and resources that support the arts, culture & heritage sector in BC. The support we received in 2023 has allowed us to continue initiatives such as the IBPOC Cultural Professionals Network, the BC Museum Portraits Project, and launch a new bursary fund for Museum Educators. We could not do this work without the involvement and enthusiasm of our donors.
Thank you to the following individuals and organizations for your donations:
Anonymous Donors
Atchelitz Threshermen’s Association
Camille Owens
Carolyn Ben
Claire Lloyd
Dannielle Dokkie
David Stinson
Deniz Ünsal
Fraser Valley Heritage Railway Society
Imogene Lim
Jo-Anne Emery
Joanne Schmidt
John Richmond
Julia Snow
Katharine Knowles
Kirstin Clausen
Dr. Lisa McIntosh
Lynn Saffery
Maggie Geiser
Marie-France Berard
Nancy Noble
Nanaimo Museum
Nicholas Tuele
Pemberton & District Museum & Archives Society
SPARC Vintage Radio Museum
Sue Morhun
Suki Derriksan
Surrey Heritage Society
Susan Mavor
Tamis Cochrane
TMS Transit Museum Society
Ulli Vogler
Valley Museum & Archives Society
Thank you to the following for their support in delivering these important programs in 2023:
The New Inspiring Museum Educators Bursaries is supported by:
Dr. Lisa McIntosh
Inspiring Museum Educators Bursary
Supporting the development of new skills, innovative approaches and novel ways of thinking about teaching and learning in informal settings.
The BC Museum Portraits Project was supported in part by:
Aqueduct Foundation
Yosef Wosk Family Foundation
BC Museum Portraits
The BC Museum Portraits Project is an audio interview and photography initiative that will result in an online archive of the ‘institutional memory’ of the Province’s museums and archives.
The IBPOC Museums Professionals Network was supported in part by:
RBC Foundation
Deux Mille Foundation
IBPOC Museum Professionals Network
The IBPOC Network provides targeted support for IBPOC (Indigenous, Black, People of Colour) students, volunteers, and professionals from across British Columbia through workshops, webinars, networking, and resource development.
The Gender and Sexuality Inclusion Toolkit was supported in part by:
The Hamber Foundation
Gender and Sexuality Inclusion Toolkit
Museums and cultural institutions tell the stories and preserve the histories of an area, aiming to be representative of the local region and foster a strong sense of community. How does gender and sexual orientation inclusion align with these goals?
The 2023 Gathering in Haida Gwaii was supported by:
AM Quartex
BC General Employment Union
Canada Council for the Arts, Digital Greenhouse Fund
Canadian Museum of History and Canadian War Museum Travel Exhibition Program
Carr McLean Ltd.
Crystal Cabin Gallery
Digital Museums Canada
Doug Munday Design
Eos Lightmedia
First Peoples’ Cultural Council
Great Northern Way Scene Shop
Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve, and Haida Heritage Site
Gwaii Trust Society
Hatlie Group
Heritage BC, Heritage Legacy Fund
Participatory Arts & Engagement Specialists
TELUS Friendly Future Fund
University of Victoria Cultural Resource Management Program
A special note of gratitude to our friends and hosts at the Haida Gwaii Museum. The gathering would not have been possible without your time, dedication, trust and friendship.
2023 Gathering
The BCMA community was invited by our colleagues at Saahlinda Naay Haida Gwaii Museum and the Haida Heritage Centre to join them for three days of learning. Delegates can now view recordings of livestreams, additional sessions, and some bonus content with their access password. If you have lost your password, please message
If you would like to support the BCMA in 2023, we accept monetary donations online and by cheque. Other impactful fundraising initiatives include our legacy giving program and corporate sponsorship options. Your donations are instrumental in continuing to create opportunities for heritage professionals and organizations in British Columbia. Thank you!