Climate and Emergency Resources
The BC Museums Association is proud to feature a collection of learning resources developed by – and for – our members.
We hope you will find sources of inspiration and practical tools here.

Climate & Emergency Essentials
Start here! A BCMA playlist of essential resources on Climate & Emergency.

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BCMA Emergency Response Fund
Your donations help to safeguard BC’s heritage collections during emergencies
BC Heritage Emergency Response Network
The BC Heritage Emergency Response Network (BC HERN) is a growing network of arts, culture and heritage professionals and volunteers in BC who feel morally and professionally obliged to plan for emergency situations and to support other cultural institutions in the event of localized emergencies that impact collections.
Featured Resources:
Climate Action Resources for Museums
Museums are not neutral. Our sector enjoys a level of public trust and respect that few other institutions even come close to matching. It is critical that we help our communities understand the challenges we are facing and bring people together to take collective action in this climate crisis.
BCMA is Taking Climate Action with Ki Futures
This new project has led us to reach out and join forces with the Coalition of Museums for Climate Justice, a dedicated peer network of museum and cultural heritage professionals who are firm believers in collective efficacy; the idea that we are stronger together.
Webinar: Climate Change – Implications for your museum practice
BCMA and the Coalition of Museums for Climate Justice shared examples of how fellow museum workers from BC museums are addressing climate change in their museums.