BCMA Conference 2024
This schedule is subject to change. Thank you for your patience as we add more information as it becomes available.
Gathering Schedule
September 24
11:30 AM – 12:00 PM
At Uda Dune Baiyoh House of Ancestors
Check in, familiarize yourself with the space, and grab a cup of coffee or tea.
Welcome & Opening
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
At Uda Dune Baiyoh House of Ancestors
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
At Uda Dune Baiyoh House of Ancestors
Mediterranean lunch buffet, coffee & tea
Sponsored by Monogram Communications.
NEW TIME: 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
At Uda Dune Baiyoh House of Ancestors
The keynote will be provided by Jim Munroe, Maiyoo Keyoh Society.
IBPOC Network Meet and Greet
4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Do you identify as Indigenous, Black, a Person of Colour, or racialized? Stop by the IBPOC Network table and meet Jazmin, Madison, and our network mentors for the conference. We’ll explain how you can find racialized support throughout the week, and introduce you to other members of the network. This is a casual, drop-by opportunity to say hello, meet folks, and ask questions about the conference Tea & Talks that will take place later in the week.
Dinner on Your Own
5:30 PM- 7:00 PM
Meet & Make: Evening Social
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
At Two Rivers Gallery
We welcome all attendees to Two Rivers Gallery in downtown Prince George for Meet & Make: a casual night of socializing, crafts, light appetizers and drinks. Wander the beautiful gallery space, take in the current exhibition Marking Time: Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration, and join your friends and colleagues to get creative with a hands-on art activity! Cash bar on site.
Evening Social activities sponsored by Northern Routes Cultural Experience.
September 25
Breakfast & Morning Coffee
9:30 AM – 10:00 AM
At Uda Dune Baiyoh House of Ancestors
Join us for breakfast, coffee, and tea, and warm up for the day ahead.
Sponsored by Vernon and District Immigrant and Community Services Society, Reflections on Belonging
Knowledge Exchange
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
At Uda Dune Baiyoh House of Ancestors
Attendees will form small groups for this collaborative learning workshop where everyone at the table will share experiences, ideas, and lessons around themes of common interest. Bring your skills, policy documents and examples to share with others!
This session is not about having years of experience to teach others, it’s about having an experience to share with others doing or aiming to do similar work. You are an expert on your own experiences! We all can learn from each other in the sector, and sharing information is a way to keep the sector vibrant and moving forward.
Featuring tables with the following topics:
- Mentorship
- Tourism & Marketing
- Grant Writing & Storytelling
- Healthy Workplace Culture – Navigating & Preventing Burnout
- Communications
- Educational Programs & Delivery
- Community Relations
- What is AI?
This session is sponsored by Participatory Arts & Engagement Specialists.
Tradeshow, Artist Market & Lunch
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
At Uda Dune Baiyoh House of Ancestors
Back by popular demand! Have lunch at your leisure from the buffet, and browse a selection of service providers, funders, artists, and makers at the tradeshow and artist market. We invite you to interact with culture sector service providers from across the province and local artists from in and around Prince George.
Speaker Sessions
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Select one session to attend
Option 1:
Professionalizing your Small Museum on a Budget
At Uda Dune Baiyoh House of Ancestors
You’re a small museum or heritage place with lots of enthusiasm, but your operation feels disordered and inefficient? Join the staff of Huble Homestead Historic Site for a panel discussion on how they got organized and grew into a respected local institution whose small team makes an outsized impact on a budget.
The Huble Homestead staff will discuss the obstacles their Society has faced and how they took small steps on a shoestring budget to professionalize their operations through changes to administration, programming, gift shop sales, and the curatorial program. Participants will take away a list of free or low-cost tools that can help them on their own journey.
Panellists: Krystal Leason, Executive Director; Nicole Krizmanich, Program Manager; Christine Reid, Store Manager; Rebecca Campbell, Curator
Option 2:
A Carceral State of Mind: Colonial Justice and Freedom Struggles in Canada & the United States
At Two Rivers Gallery
Carceral systems are tools of oppression continuously weaponized by colonial states (New Zealand, Australia, the U.S., and Canada). Indigenous peoples have constantly been subjected to dehumanization and targeted for elimination by the state.
The Marking Time project, curated by Dr. Nicole R. Fleetwood, powerfully illuminates the profound impact of the carceral state on American life through the transformative lens of art and visual culture. This innovative, multiplatform initiative includes an award-winning book, a traveling exhibition, and dynamic public programs that spotlight artists dedicated to confronting and dismantling mass incarceration and advocating for the rights of imprisoned individuals, their families, and communities.
Scholar Michaela McGuire will elaborate on colonial justice systems as tools of oppression with a specific focus on the ‘Canadian’ context, and Marking Time coordinator Steven G Fullwood will highlight specific artists in the show, share insights about his role with the Marking Time project, and archiving MT artists and organizations.
Steven G. Fullwood is the coordinator of Marking Time: Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration, a project inspired by the award-winning book by Dr. Nicole R. Fleetwood. Fullwood manages the traveling exhibition and serves as the lead archivist for the Archiving Marking Time initiative. In 2017, Fullwood co-founded the Nomadic Archivists Project (with Miranda Mims), an initiative to bridge the gap between archival practice and content creators. He is the former assistant curator of the Manuscripts, Archives & Rare Books Division at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Fullwood has consulted with several cultural institutions including the Black Theatre Commons, Creative Capital, the Joan Mitchell Foundation, and the National Black Theatre.
Michaela M. McGuire (MA) is a Ph.D. candidate at Simon Fraser University and an award-winning qualitative researcher, writer, and educator based out of HlGaagilda (Skidegate), Haida Gwaii. Having grown up in Burnaby, BC, Michaela brings diverse life experiences to her work. Michaela is of mixed ancestry (Haida/Irish/British/Ojibwe) and is a citizen of the Haida Nation. Michaela values culture, nature, sustainability, and interconnectedness. She works with scholars, individuals and organizations whose values and ethics align with hers. Her research and work is broadly focused on decolonization, racism, genocide, state crime, resurgence, Indigenous justice, and governance.
Movement Break
4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Realign body and mind by joining one of several afternoon activities.
Option 1:
Movement and Mindfulness
At Uda Dune Baiyoh House of Ancestors
Join Jaylene Pfeifer, Kinesiologist and Yoga teacher for a session of movement, breath and mindfulness to feel into the present moment and listen to your body and trust what it needs. This will invigorate and restore you during your time at the conference. This is the type of session that is for every body!
Option 2:
Heritage Walking Tour of Prince George
Meeting outside Two Rivers Gallery.
Join Chad Hellenius, Assistant Curator at The Exploration Place, for a downtown Heritage Walking Tour of Prince George.
Option 3:
Choose your own PG Adventure
With lots of trails and local flair, choose your own PG Adventure. Go for a walk up Connaught Hill Park for a view of the city and surrounding landscapes, check out local shops and support local businesses, or settle quietly into a conversation with colleagues on a nearby city bench.
Sponsored by Jim Cullen Consulting Services.
IBPOC Network Tea & Talk
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
At Omineca Arts Centre
IBPOC folks are welcome to join us in this dedicated affinity space at the end of the day to take a breath, get to know each other, and discuss anything that’s on your mind. Tea, coffee, and snacks will be provided. This is an informal networking space, and you’re welcome to drop in at any time during the session.
Dinner on Your Own
September 26
Breakfast & Morning Coffee
9:30 AM – 10:00 AM
At Uda Dune Baiyoh House of Ancestors
Join us for breakfast, coffee, and tea, and warm up for the day ahead.
Sponsored by SmartGrant.
Knowledge Exchange
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
At Uda Dune Baiyoh House of Ancestors
Attendees will form small groups for this collaborative learning workshop where everyone at the table will share experiences, ideas, and lessons around themes of common interest. Bring your skills, policy documents and examples to share with others!
This session is not about having years of experience to teach others, it’s about having an experience to share with others doing or aiming to do similar work. You are an expert on your own experiences! We all can learn from each other in the sector, and sharing information is a way to keep the sector vibrant and moving forward.
Featuring tables with the following topics:
- Building Effective Boards
- Exhibit Development & Design
- Policy Exchange
- Outdoor Collection Maintenance
- Emergency Preparedness
- Developing Sustainable Exhibits
- Community Relations
- What is AI?
This session is sponsored by Lucidea.
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
At Uda Dune Baiyoh House of Ancestors
Mediterranean lunch buffet, coffee & tea
Sponsored by University of Victoria Continuing Studies, Cultural Management Program.
Closing Panel: Sustaining Change – Work, Self-Care, and Radical Joy
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
At Uda Dune Baiyoh House of Ancestors
To close our 2024 gathering, we want to start a discussion about how to sustain change in a time of crisis. Join this panel for a conversation about burnout, stress, finding ways to support yourself as a human being during a time of constant upheaval and uncertainty, and how we can all embrace radical joy. After another gruelling summer, it is important that we make space to recognize that many of us are not okay, offer a forum for people to discuss managing stress and self-care, and come together to share the passions that provide sources of joy.
Many of us are experiencing burnout. If we don’t take action to protect our mental health and create cultures of care within our organizations, we won’t be able to sustain the work needed to transform our sector. Let’s combat burnout with radical joy.
Moderated by: Tracy Calogheros. Panellists: Kate Cox, Barkerville Historic Town & Park; Shirley Hogan, Canadian Mental Health Association of Northern BC; Jazmin Hundal, BCMA Equity Initiatives Manager; Laura VanZant, Revelstoke Museum & Archives
IBPOC & 2SLGBTQIA+ Network Joint Tea & Talk
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
At Omineca Arts Centre
The IBPOC Network and 2SLGBTQIA+ Network are excited to join together for a Tea & Talk session in Prince George at Omineca Arts Centre! This session is regarded as an accountable space for all folks who identify as IBPOC and/or 2SLGBTQIA+ museum, heritage, gallery, and cultural professionals, volunteers or students. Hosting a joint network event is intended as a way to celebrate and hold space for intersectionalities of identity and fill gaps in this type of programming – all who identify as IBPOC and/or 2SLGBTQIA+ are welcome!
IBPOC & Queer folks are welcome to join us in this dedicated affinity space at the end of the day to take a breath, get to know each other, and discuss anything that’s on your mind. Tea, coffee, and snacks will be provided. This is an informal networking space, and you’re welcome to drop in at any time during the session.
Dinner on Your Own
Night at the Museum: Evening Social
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
At The Exploration Place
Head to The Exploration Place Museum and Science Centre for our Night at the Museum. Check out their new exhibit Spirit Bear and Children Make History, a partnership with Carrier Sekani Family Service and the First Nations Child & Family Caring Society. Spot the critters and creatures hiding throughout the Biome Natural History Gallery. Join your friends – old and new – to explore, experiment, and taste your way through a selection of dessert stations (and savoury nibbles). Cash bar on-site.
Evening Social activities sponsored by Northern Routes Cultural Experience.
Event Transportation:
Complimentary shuttle service will be provided for the Night at the Museum: Evening Social at Exploration Place on September 26.
Going to the event
2 busses (one long, one short) will drive a pickup loop starting at 6:30pm in the following order:
Pickup at Coast Prince George Hotel (770 Brunswick St)
Pickup at Hyatt Place Hotel (585 Dominion St)
Pickup at Ramada Plaza by Wyndham (444 George St)
Drop off at Exploration Place (333 Becott Place)
You may get on either bus to get to Exploration Place from downtown.
To go back to hotels
The larger bus will loop downtown to take attendees back starting at 8:20pm in the following order:
Pickup at Exploration Place (333 Becott Place)
Drop off at Ramada Plaza by Wyndham (444 George St)
Drop off at Hyatt Place Hotel (585 Dominion St)
Drop off at Coast Prince George Hotel (770 Brunswick St)
The shorter bus will provide rides to attendees’ preferred locations outside of the downtown core starting at 8pm. Please let the driver know the address you need to be delivered to when you get on the bus. This bus will loop back to Exploration Place as needed.
September 27
Early Bird Tea & Talk
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
At Omineca Arts Centre
IBPOC folks are welcome to join us in this dedicated affinity space and start the last day of the conference together over breakfast! Reaffirm your connections with others before leaving Prince George, in this informal networking space. Tea, coffee, and breakfast pastries will be provided.
Ancient Forest /Chun T’oh Whudujut Provincial Park
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Nestled in the traditional territory of the Lheidli T’enneh, the Park protects a portion of the only inland temperate rainforest in the world. The Lheidli T’enneh would visit the stands from summer fishing camps along the upper Fraser River.
Hiking the Ancient Forest trail will bring you past thousand-year-old western red cedars and a rich biodiversity of plants, mosses, lichens and fungi.
Nearly 3km of boardwalk trail access leads you through the park. Attendees are asked to dress in layers appropriate for varied weather and with appropriate shoes for what could be slippery boardwalks.
Lunch provided.
Cottonwood Island Nature Park guided walk
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Nestled in the traditional territory of the Lheidli T’enneh and situated at the confluence of the Nechako and Fraser River, Cottonwood Island Nature Park offers tranquil nature and scenic views.
A network of well-maintained trails spans the park and invites visitors to relax and wander. A highlight of this park are unique tree bark carvings by local artist Elmer Gunderson.
If you are looking for something to do before you depart, join this guided nature walk to explore one of Prince George’s most beautiful parks.
No cost.
Up to 25 participants
We are grateful for the support of this year’s event sponsors:
Explore to learn more about our sponsors and stay tuned for more information about them in the lead up to the gathering!

The BCMA is grateful to co-host this year’s gathering with the Lheidli T’enneh First Nation. Special thanks to the Lheidli T’enneh First Nation for the use of our venue, Uda Dune Baiyoh House of Ancestors, as well as facilitating the Ancient Forest excursion on Friday!

Operating on the traditional territory of the Lheidli T’enneh First Nation, Tourism Prince George exists to attract visitors, increase their length of stay, encourage them to share their amazing experiences with the world.

Are you looking to fund your arts & culture project? SmartGrant is your one-stop source for British Columbia arts grants & funding.

Hatlie Group is a consulting firm that works with non-profit and public sector organizations to clarify strategy and direction, strengthen operations, and support effective and efficient governance practice.

Argus is a web-based CMS for museums of all types and sizes; present your collections and digital assets in ways that engage, intrigue, and delight visitors.

Andornot can help you provide a single point of access to a wide range of local cultural heritage resources.

The exhibition is structured around three main themes: Understanding Privilege, Consequences of Assimilation, and Disrupting the Status Quo.

CatalogIt is a comprehensive, secure, and modern platform for cataloging and managing your collections and publishing to the web to share your objects’ stories.

The smart next stop in your career in the cultural sector. The Cultural Resource Management (CRM) Programs provide the knowledge, skills and experience needed to support your professional goals.

Through active listening, discovery and planning, we design strategies and tactics that work as hard as we do.

Proudly Canadian owned and operated, Carr McLean has been sourcing and supplying Archival products to Customers across Canada for more than 50 years.