BCMA Conference 2024

Delegate List


Delegates who have opted in will have received a password to access the list. If you have not received your password, please ensure you have completed the form below then contact us at bcma@museum.bc.ca.

After submitting the form below, your registration will be verified and you will receive a link and password to access the opt-in delegate list. Please allow 3-5 business days to see any updates reflected online.

Each attendee must opt-in to receive and be included in the delegate list. 

A delegate list will be available to registered individuals containing the following:

  • Name
  • Pronouns (if desired)
  • Position (if any)
  • Organization (if any)
  • City
  • Traditional territory
  • Attendance (digital or in-person)
  • Email

Delegate lists are a useful tool to facilitate connection with your fellow attendees in advance of and following activities. You can:

  • See who is attending to plan shared meals
  • Follow-up on conversations from the gathering
  • Recognize the territory you’ll be joining from
  • Connect with speakers and funders who presented
  • Refresh your memory on someone’s name and organization

After submitting the form below, your registration will be verified and you will receive a link and password to access the opt-in delegate list. You can resubmit this form at any point to make edits to your information. Please allow 3-5 business days to see any updates reflected online.

If you have any questions please contact us at bcma@museum.bc.ca.