Thank you for your support!

The BCMA would like to thank those who have generously supported us in 2022.


Donations aid us in continuing to provide programs, grants, and resources that support the arts, culture & heritage sector in BC. We have received an inspiring amount of support in 2022 which has allowed us to continue initiatives such as the Gender and Sexuality Inclusion Toolkit, the BC Museum Portraits Project, and build the Emergency Response and Recovery Fund. We could not have accomplished these initiatives without the support, involvement, and enthusiasm of our donors.

Thank you to the following individuals and organizations for your donations:

Anonymous Donors

Bridget Uhl

Daniella Sorrentino

David Stinson

Deniz Ünsal

Desirée Leal

Doug Boersema

Fraser Valley Heritage Railway Society

Gina Vancek

Grand Forks Art Gallery Society

Dr. Imogene Lim

Johnstone Strait Killer Whale Interpretive Centre Society

Katherine Knowles

Kirstin Clausen

Lesley Moore

Lisa McIntosh

Lynn Saffery

Marie-France Berard

Masters Digital

Nancy Noble

Nicholas Tuele

Old Hastings Mill Store Museum

Participatory Arts and Engagement Specialists, Scott Marsden

Patricia Huntsman

Pemberton & District Museum & Archives Society

SPARC Vintage Radio Museum

Sue Morhun

Suki Derriksan

Thank you to the following foundations for their support in delivering these important programs in 2022:

The BCMA Emergency Response & Recovery Fund was supported in part by:

A&M Shaw Foundation

Audain Foundation

Lohn Foundation

McLean Foundation

BCMA Emergency Response Fund

The BC Heritage Emergency Response Network (BC HERN) and the BC Museums Association (BCMA) have partnered to create a new contingency fund that will allow skilled heritage emergency responders to mobilize and begin recovery and salvage efforts for museums, galleries, and cultural organizations across BC when emergencies strike.

The BC Museum Portraits Project was supported in part by:

Aqueduct Foundation

Christopher Foundation

Yosef Wosk Family Foundation

BC Museum Portraits

The BC Museum Portraits Project is an audio interview and photography initiative that will result in an online archive of the ‘institutional memory’ of the Province’s museums and archives.

The IBPOC Museums Professionals Network was supported in part by:

RBC Foundation
Deux Mille Foundation


IBPOC Museum Professionals Network

Connect with museum, gallery, and heritage IBPOC professionals from across British Columbia.

The Gender and Sexuality Inclusion Toolkit was supported in part by:

The Hamber Foundation

Gender and Sexuality Inclusion Toolkit

Museums and cultural institutions tell the stories and preserve the histories of an area, aiming to be representative of the local region and foster a strong sense of community. How does gender and sexual orientation inclusion align with these goals?

If you would like to support the BCMA in 2023, we accept monetary donations online and by cheque. Other impactful fundraising initiatives include our legacy giving program and corporate sponsorship options. Your donations are instrumental in continuing to create opportunities for heritage professionals and organizations in British Columbia. Thank you!