BCMA Book Club
In the Winter 2024-25 session, join Lorenda and Leia as we turn our focus towards the Indian Act. We will start with some historical editions by reading selections of Consolidation of Indian Legislation Volume II: Indian Acts and Amendments, 1868-1975 and then in the final two weeks, turn our attention to reading the current Indian Act R.S.C.,1985, c I-5 (last amended on August 15, 2019).
Consolidation of Indian Legislation Volume II: Indian Acts and Amendments, 1868-1975
Pages 1-23
"An Act providing or the organisation of the Department of the Secretary of State of Canada, and for the management of Indian and Ordnance Lands. 1868" all the way through the section titled "An Act providing or the organisation of the Department of the Secretary of State of Canada 1875"
Space Available
Tue Nov 19
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
British Columbia, Canada
Lorenda Calvert
Email: programs@museum.bc.ca