BCMA Book Club
In the Winter 2024-25 session, join Lorenda and Leia as we turn our focus towards the Indian Act. We will start with some historical editions by reading selections of Consolidation of Indian Legislation Volume II: Indian Acts and Amendments, 1868-1975 and then in the final two weeks, turn our attention to reading the current Indian Act R.S.C.,1985, c I-5 (last amended on August 15, 2019).
Consolidation of Indian Legislation Volume II: Indian Acts and Amendments, 1868-1975
Pages 315-333
"The Indian Act, 1951" First Half
Space Available
Up Next:
Tue Jan 21
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
British Columbia, Canada
Lorenda Calvert
Email: programs@museum.bc.ca