Monthly Resources: August
Regular resource collections from Sarah Wang, IBPOC Museum Professionals Network Coordinator.
Artful Conversations: Creative City Network of Canada Mini-Series Episode 2: Ken Lum
Description: Ken Lum speaks to Annetta Latham about his work and interests in public art and monuments.
Have you signed up for this year’s BCMA conference? Spread out over a month into four main themes, the conversations and connections will be robust. The only thing that’s missing is you! Bursaries are available to receive free registration!
Closes Sunday 22 August 2021
Description: From Aaniya Asrani/Massy Gallery, “These pieces exist in response to the in-between space I have come to inhabit as a foreign body distanced from home. A space in limbo, which has only been exacerbated by a year of flight bans, confinement, and uncertainty. Rather than conceal my feelings, I have accepted and held space for the surfacing of negative emotions such as Depression and Anxiety which have come to resemble old friends. I now invite them to dance with me.”
Applications due: Wednesday 1 September 2021
Description: Five Oaks Museum in Portland, Oregon seeks proposals for a research-based physical exhibition connecting the Museum’s community to social developments around the world. Visit the website for more information on the exhibition budget, pay rate, and project timeline.
Thursday 9 September 2021, 12PM-1:30PM PST
Description: The most recent cohort of the Community Capacity Building Certificate at SFU will be presenting the projects that they have been working on.
Tuesday 14 September 2021, 11AM-1PM PST
Description: After listening to Ken Lum’s interview above, join him in conversation with fellow participants in discussing the next big questions for public art and community engagement.
Tuesday 14 September 2021, 11AM-1PM PST
Description: After listening to Ken Lum’s interview above, join him in conversation with fellow participants in discussing the next big questions for public art and community engagement.
Closes Sunday 19 September 2021
Description: This year marks a decade after the March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and subsequent tsunami and Fukushima Nuclear disaster, changing lives and landscapes. This exhibit, curated by Dr. Fuyubi Nakamura, illustrates the damage and rebuilding of the region, how art commemorates major socioenvironmental disruption, and the surprisingly hopeful connections made along the Pacific Rim.