BC Heritage Emergency Response Network

The BC Heritage Emergency Response Network (BC HERN) is a growing network of arts, culture and heritage professionals and volunteers in BC who feel morally and professionally obliged to plan for emergency situations and to support other cultural institutions in the event of localized emergencies that impact collections. The initiative was born from the identified lack of a unified support plan for disaster response and collections salvage in the province in light of the growing risk to collections due to climate change. For more information on BC HERN, check out their website.

BC Heritage Emergency Response Network
Building effective emergency response for B.C.’s arts and cultures communities
Podcast: A Conversation with BC HERN
In this third episode of our #CALM series, we speak with Tara Fraser (Vancouver Art Gallery) and Heidi Swierenga (Museum of Anthropology at UBC), two members of the BC Heritage Emergency Response Network (BC HERN) steering committee.
Podcast: BC HERN's Salvage Trip to Lytton
In this fourth episode of our #CALM series, we speak with Tara Fraser (Vancouver Art Gallery) and Heidi Swierenga (Museum of Anthropology at UBC), two members of the BC Heritage Emergency Response Network (BC HERN) steering committee. Tara, Heidi, and volunteers from BC HERN were able to go to Lytton BC in October to assist with the salvage and recovery of items from the Lytton Chinese History Museum and the Lytton Museum & Archives.
Webinar: BC HERN - An Introduction to Emergency Response
Learn about the work that the BC Heritage Emergency Response Network is doing around the province.
Webinar: BC HERN and Emergency Salvage of Art and Archival Collections
Learn how to triage a collection, move, pack, and buy yourself some time in an emergency.
Webinar: BC HERN and Emergency Salvage of Museum Collections
Hear about documenting a collection in crisis and some of the solutions that can be employed.
Media Coverage
Check out the coverage from the BC HERN Workshop in Prince George, Fall 2019