BCMA Conference 2024

Annual Gathering & Innovation Lab


It’s our great pleasure to announce that the 2024 BCMA Conference will take place during the week of September 23 – 27, 2024!

Museums, galleries, and cultural heritage spaces play a crucial role in shaping public perception, contributing to resilient communities, fostering dialogue and sparking creativity. The BC Museums Association works to ensure the long-term viability and vibrancy of our sector, and we invite our members to join us in co-creating the future they want to see.

The 2024 BCMA Conference will center sustainability in all its facets; environmental, economic, social and institutional. Attendees will consider climate action and emergency preparedness, but also discuss topics such as financial sustainability, community engagement or contingency planning.  The broad term “sustainability” encompasses many aspects of the work in our sector.

As a response to our community’s desire for more innovative, hands-on, immersive learning experiences, for dedicated time spent with colleagues to form relationships across the province, for actionable outcomes and takeaways, and for the focus on a bright future of our sector, this year’s event will pilot a different format. The conference will feature two parallel tracks: the annual sector gathering and the brand-new innovation lab. 

The gathering track will follow a conference model with a variety of workshops, skill-sharing sessions, knowledge exchanges, many networking opportunities, a healthy dose of local arts and culture, and keynotes. It will be open to about 200 attendees, plus sponsors, funders, and partners from across BC and beyond.

The innovation lab aims to serve as a collaborative space to develop innovative ideas and practices and to redefine the way museums, arts, and cultural institutions approach sustainability. This dynamic workshop model will bring together a diverse group of about 50 arts and culture workers from across the province to engage, connect, play, experiment, create, prototype, and present their solutions for a more sustainable cultural sector.

Learn more

Participants will be introduced to the concept of the innovation lab, receive pre-reading material, and get a chance to know each other in a virtual setting in the weeks leading up to the event. On September 23, they will get together in person in Prince George and join one of four groups to work on one aspect of sustainability: environmental (climate action and emergency preparedness), economic (financial stability and advocacy), social (equity and community engagement), and institutional (decent work and contingency planning). While each group will work on one area of sustainability and create a solution for one particular challenge, learnings will be applicable and transferable to other subject matters. This innovation lab will run parallel to the BCMA gathering, and participants of both tracks will come together regularly for meals and social activities. At the end of the lab week, participants will present and pitch their ideas/prototypes in a science-fair style event to each other and their colleagues in the gathering track. The audience will be able to vote on the best idea and together with an adjudication panel, a winner will be selected. Pending funding, the winners will be awarded a stipend to develop the idea and make it a reality. The winning group will regularly update the BCMA community on their progress and receive support from facilitators and staff until the completion of the project. They will be invited to return to the 2025 gathering as presenters.

Our local partners for this year’s event are: House of Ancestors, Lheidli T’enneh First Nation, Two Rivers Gallery, The Exploration Place, The Central BC Railway & Forestry Museum, and Huble Homestead Historic Site.

Learn about our partners by clicking on each tile:


Support the Conference

Opportunities to sponsor the 2024 Gathering and Innovation Lab are now available.


2024 Schedule

The BCMA community has been invited to bring our 2024 Gathering to Lheidli T’enneh territory. We will connect, learn, share stories and imagine a more sustainable future for the arts & culture sector together.


Prince George

Resources on getting to and around our host community, including travel and accommodation information.

Digital Delegate Accesss

Password protected area for virtual participants.



We will keep you up to date and release more information as it becomes available. Beyond what we have added to this page, we are not able to reliably answer questions about event details at this point.


Health and Safety

As a community, it is critical that we take collective responsibility to protect each other and limit the spread of communicable diseases.


Gathering Code of Conduct

The BCMA strives to promote professionalism, collegiality, respect, dignity, and cooperation. Delegates are expected to uphold the commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion by maintaining an environment that respects diverse traditions, heritages, and experiences.


2024 Sponsors

The BCMA is grateful to our supporters- Learn about our sponsors here!

Travel Bursaries

The BCMA is pleased to provide a limited number of bursaries for BCMA annual conference delegates.


Opt-In Delegate List

Delegate lists are a useful tool to facilitate connection with your fellow attendees in advance of and following activities. Opt-in with the form here!

2023 Gathering

Explore last year's gathering which took place in Haida Gwaii from September 25 – 28, 2023