Institutional Membership

Join the BCMA and be a part of a vibrant cultural community! You will gain access to professional resources designed to support you and the work of your museum, gallery or cultural heritage site.

Institutional Memberships are open to any qualified museums and related institutions in British Columbia. (For the definition of “museum” please see membership page.)

Email to request a BCMA Member window cling!

Institutional members receive additional benefits to those shared by all BCMA members.

Membership Highlights

Make your voice heard

Representation with government, stakeholders and partners

Lending Library

The HerO lending library offers BCMA members the opportunity to rent equipment like video cameras, podcasting equipment, or document scanners instead of having to buy new equipment for projects.

Event Discounts

Receive a special discount on conference and workshop registration

Online Course Discounts

BCMA Members receive 50% off all online courses at!

Membership that scales with you


  • Member portal access for two* individuals
  • Discount on conference registrations for two* individuals
  • Discount on workshops and professional development opportunities for two* individuals
  • Discounted online courses. Check out our collection of online courses at
  • Access to the Heritage Online Lending Library
  • Inclusion in the Member Directory
  • Notification of grants/funding opportunities
  • Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting
  • BCMA representation with government, stakeholders and partners
  • Use of BC Museums Association logo
  • OWL Card – complimentary admission to participating galleries, museums and historic sites throughout the province. Learn more about the program here.
  • Institutional members also receive benefits shared by all BCMA members.

Membership Rates

  • Annual Operating Budget below $100,000: $111
  • Annual Operating Budget $100,001 – $200,000: $167
  • Annual Operating Budget $200,001 – $300,000: $276
  • Annual Operating Budget $300,001 – $400,000: $387
  • Annual Operating Budget $400,001 – $500,000: $499
  • Annual Operating Budget $500,001 – $600,000: $609
  • Annual Operating Budget $600,001 – $1,000,000: $721
  • Annual Operating Budget $1 Million – $5 Million: $833
  • Annual Operating Budget Over $5 Million: $944

Additional employee seats can be purchased at the time of application or renewal. If you have questions about how employee seats work, please contact


When we say “museum” what do we mean?

BC Museums Association embraces a broad and inclusive definition of museums. In the BCMA Bylaws, a “museum” is defined as:

Institutions created in the public interest. They must engage their community, foster deeper understanding, and promote the enjoyment and sharing of authentic cultural or natural heritage. Museums work to collect, preserve, research, interpret, exhibit, and enhance understandings of people and their environment.

The definition of “museum”  includes the following: museums; art galleries; archives; heritage and cultural centres; Indigenous cultural centres, Friendship centres, and bands/council; universities and/or local governments responsible for stewarding arts, culture, and heritage; natural, archaeological and ethnographic monuments and sites and historical monuments and sites of a museum nature; institutions holding collections of and displaying live specimens of plants and animals, such as botanical and zoological gardens, aquaria and vivaria; science centres and planetaria; conservation institutes and exhibition galleries permanently maintained by libraries and archive centres; nature reserves; such other institutions as the BCMA Council determines in its discretion.

What’s an employee seat?

Employee seats are additional accounts under your BCMA Institutional Membership. We recommend assigning employee seats to those who are most likely to attend and benefit from BCMA conferences and events.
Not every member of an institution will have unique access to a member portal. An organization can have up to 6 unique accounts (one primary, and up to five employee seats).
Institutional BCMA members automatically have a primary account holder and one employee seat. Additional employee seats can be purchased at the time of renewal. Please contact if you require additional seats in advance of your renewal.
Primary account holders can manage their employee seats at any time on the member portal.