Museum Manager Monday

Being a museum manager is a challenging and often isolating role. Museum Manager Mondays is a new program to help professionals in leadership positions connect, network, and provide mutual support. Join BCMA Executive Director Ryan Hunt for bi-monthly, one-hour online discussions where museum, gallery, heritage, and cultural managers, EDs, and lead curators can discuss the challenges they face in their roles – from navigating community relationships, to working with boards, to HR issues, and beyond. All too often cultural managers feel isolated in their roles and it is critical that we feel part of a connected and supportive community. Currently, we are holding a 60-minute Museum Manager Monday session around the middle of every other month at 12 pm, but if this format doesn’t meet your needs, please contact us and we can discuss how we can adapt the program to better support you.

Mon Oct 16

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

British Columbia, Canada