April Queer Connect
Tuesday, April 15, 2024
11:30 AM PT
Being queer in the arts, culture, and heritage sector can be isolating. Join the BCMA’s 2SLGBTQIA+ Network for Queer Connect, a monthly opportunity to chat and share digital space with other folks in the sector from across the province and beyond. Bring your questions, your successes to celebrate, or your challenges to the group for peer support.
Guided by the 2SLGBTQIA+ Advisory Group, the BCMA’s 2SLGBTQIA+ Network aims to provide a safer, accountable space where 2SLGBTQIA+ students, volunteers, and professionals in the arts and culture sector can connect.
*Please note that this event is specifically for self-identified 2SLGBTQIA+ professionals, students, or volunteers in the arts, culture, and heritage sector.
Space Available
Registration: Monday Mar 17, 12:00 PM - Tuesday Apr 15, 12:00 PM
Tue Apr 15
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
British Columbia, Canada
Desirée Hall
Email: community@museum.bc.ca