BCMA Podcast: Rutherford Falls Recap – Episode 3
The BCMA Team has loved watching Rutherford Falls! Join us for the final Rutherford Falls Recap, where we discuss Episodes 8, 9, and 10 to finish off Season 1.
Koy and Leia discuss the plot twists and turns, some of the difficult topics the show brings up, and chat about the real challenges reflected in the show.
SPOILER ALERT: We talk about the final three episodes of Rutherford Falls – if you haven’t finished watching the whole first season, we are going to spoil the ending!
If you missed our discussion about Episodes 1-4 or 5-7, check your podcast feed and make sure you follow the BCMA podcast for more.
Mentioned in this episode:
NAGPRA Comics can be found online and are created by Dr. Sonya Atalay, Dr. Jen Shannon, and John Swogger. Find them here!
BCMA Repatriation Call to Action can be found here! Pledge your support and join your colleagues in taking actionable steps towards reconciliation.
The book Leia mentions is Plundered Skulls and Stolen Spirits, Inside the Fight to Reclaim Native America’s Culture by Chip Colwell. You can find publication information from the University of Chicago Press
Feel free to send your thoughts to bcma@museum.bc.ca