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Join the BCMA Board of Directors

 July 17, 2024

Do you want to support museums, galleries, and heritage organizations across the province? Do you have ideas to help shape the future of BCMA? Do you know someone who wants to make a difference in the sector? Nominations are now open for the BCMA board of directors.


Each year, members in good standing of the BC Museums Association (BCMA) can nominate themselves or another member to stand for election for the BCMA Council (our board of directors). Nominees will be presented for election at the Annual General Meeting, to be held online on October 23, 2024.

Who We’re Looking For

To learn more about our current Council members, visit our BCMA Council page.

The BCMA is committed to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion within the museum and cultural sector and in our own organizational practices. We strive to have a Council that reflects the diverse experiences, backgrounds, and geographic representations of members.

We highly encourage members from historically underrepresented or marginalized groups to join the BCMA Council. If you are interested in learning about the work the BCMA is doing and our commitment to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion, check out our quarterly updates.

Currently, the Lower Mainland region is well represented on the BCMA Council, so we encourage applicants from the Cariboo, Kootenay, North Coast, Nechako, Northeast, or Thompson-Okanagan, or Vancouver Island regions to apply (if you aren’t sure which region you belong to, the BCMA generally follows these regional guidelines).

We also encourage members who are emerging museum professionals in the first 10 years of their careers in the sector to stand for nomination. Joining the BCMA Council is an excellent opportunity to expand your professional network and gain valuable experience in a variety of areas, including financial management, advocacy, and policy review/development.


About the BCMA

Founded in 1957, the British Columbia Museums Association (BCMA) supports a thriving arts, culture, and heritage sector through collaboration, networking, advocacy, innovation, and professional development.
Since our founding, the BCMA has grown to include more than 450 members in every single community in British Columbia including museums, art galleries, science centres, Indigenous cultural organizations, First Nations, heritage sites, botanical and zoological gardens, cultural centres, conservation institutes, grassroots arts organizations, exhibition galleries permanently maintained by libraries and archives, and nature reserves.

The BCMA supports the professionals and volunteers who work in BC’s cultural sector and we aim to improve the cultural literacy of all British Columbians. The BCMA collaborates with arts, culture, and heritage partners to engage with all levels of government to share stories and make them aware of the true impact our sector has in communities large and small across the province.

Our vision: Create space for BCMA members to engage in meaningful, courageous dialogue, and equitable actions.

Our mission: Through bold advocacy and collaborative leadership, the BC Museums Association supports the arts, culture, and heritage sector to thrive.

We provide access to resources and learning opportunities designed to support the work of museums, galleries, Indigenous cultural centres, archives, historic sites and related institutions. We also work with a range of partners to support the growth and development of BC’s arts, culture, and heritage sector.

To learn more about the BCMA’s Strategic Plan, please visit:


How to Nominate Yourself or Another Member

If you have questions about the nomination process, the AGM, or the work of the BCMA or its Council that is not answered below, please email and BCMA staff will connect you with the Nomination Committee.

To nominate yourself or an eligible BCMA member*, use this online form. Please note: While we welcome nominations to happen in advance of the AGM using this online form so nominee profiles can be shared with our members, the BCMA Bylaws permit nominations to be made from the floor at the AGM.

*Before nominating a peer, we encourage you to ask them if they would be interested in being on BCMA Council.

In order for your nominee profile to be shared with members in advance of the AGM on October 23, we recommend submitting your nomination by September 4, 2024.

BCMA Board of Directors Call for Nominations

Please note, this form allows for the nomination of yourself or another individual; please only complete the section relevant to your nomination.

We recommend submitting your nomination by September 4, 2024, if you wish to be considered for the slate of candidates.

Online Nomination Form

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question that isn’t answered here? Please email your questions to the BCMA ( and the 2024 Nomination Committee will be in touch with you.

Who is currently on the BCMA Council?

Visit our BCMA Council page to read the biographies of the current Council members. 


Who can stand for election to the BCMA Council?

The BCMA Bylaws state that eligibility to hold office is limited to voting members of the BCMA who are in good standing.


How often does the BCMA Council meet?

In a typical year, the BCMA Council has six virtual meetings and one to two in-person meetings. BCMA Council members also have the opportunity to sit on a number of committees and working groups that meet regularly throughout the year.


Is this an advisory board or a working board?

The BCMA has a full-time, professional staff so the BCMA Council functions primarily as an advisory board, helping to set the strategic direction of the organization and to provide financial oversight. 


Is there compensation for being on the board?

Council members are not compensated for their involvement on the board, however, BCMA-related expenses or travel costs are reimbursed.


What kinds of things do BCMA Council members do?

BCMA Council members draw upon their experiences, ideas, and connections to provide the BCMA with strategic direction and financial oversight. Duties include:

  • Attending regular board meetings and semi-annual professional development workshops
  • Reviewing meeting materials in advance of board meetings
  • Recruitment and performance review of the BCMA’s Executive Director
  • Reviewing and approving the BCMA’s annual budget
  • Supporting the development of strategic priorities
  • Participating in committees and ad-hoc working groups (currently the BCMA has the following standing committees: Executive Committee, Financial Sustainability & Governance Committee, Advocacy Committee, Professional Development & Education Committee, and the Indigenous Advisory Committee)


How many hours per week are involved in being on the BCMA Council?

The number of hours Council members contribute can vary depending on the time of year, active projects, and the activity of committees and working groups. Some weeks, Council members may not be required to contribute any hours and other weeks (depending on the scheduling of meetings and active projects), they may contribute as many as 10 hours per week. In general, Council members have fewer time commitments during the summer months and have more significant time commitments around the BCMA’s annual conference and annual general meeting (typically held in October each year).


What is the governance structure of the BCMA Council?

The BCMA Bylaws state that the BCMA is governed by a maximum of 13 Council members, consisting of five Officers (President, Past President, Vice-President, Secretary, and the Treasurer) and up to eight members-at-large.


Do you have a question that isn’t answered here? Please email us with your questions and the 2024 Nominations Committee will be in touch with you.