Watercooler Wednesday
… the first Wednesday of the month!
Watercooler Wednesday
Connect with museum, gallery, and heritage professionals from across British Columbia. Gather around the digital water cooler to catch up, ask questions, seek advice, and chat.
Every month, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm, we will have a new topic to discuss and a rotating BCMA team member as host. Feel free to come with questions, comments, or projects to discuss with the group.
Questions? Contact Lorenda Calvert at programs@museum.bc.ca
Join the Event Now!
Registration is not necessary. On the day of, just click on the button below.
A Note on Watercooler Wednesday
This program runs on the Zoom meeting platform, which may be blocked by some firewall settings. Please contact your IT department if you are not sure if you can access Watercooler Wednesday.
We are aware of security concerns about Zoom meetings and the so called “Zoom Bombing” that has been in the media. Precautions to avoid these situations have been taken and procedures such as enabling the waiting room feature, muting all participants upon entry and disabling screen sharing have been implemented. The safety and privacy of our virtual programs are a priority for us and we are closely monitoring the situation and installing security updates that are regularly released by Zoom.