ACE-WIL | Talent MATCH Program
Helping Museums, Arts, Tourism, Culture, and Hospitality Organizations Hire Students

Check out this info sheet from ACE-WIL (TalentMATCH)!
Talent MATCH aims to make it easier for museums, arts, tourism, culture and hospitality (MATCH) organizations to hire student talent. Students can bring fresh skills to your organization, help you pivot digitally, and increase your organizational capacity! But if maneuvering the post-secondary system is daunting or you lack the funds to hire a new team member, Talent MATCH can help.
With funding from the Ministry of Advanced Education, Training, and Skills, Talent MATCH is a partnership between the Association of Co-operative Education and Work Integrated Learning BC/Yukon (ACE-WIL), BC Alliance for Arts + Culture, the BC Museums Association, and go2HR.
Talent MATCH staff can support your organization to connect with post-secondary institutions that have programs that are relevant to the roles you need filled. In addition to one-on-one support, the Program equips you with downloadable resources such as job posting tips, sample interview questions, and information on wage subsidies and grants that can help you bring on a student. Talent MATCH also hosts webinars with program officers so you can secure funding as well as recruit and onboard students.
Organizations of all sizes are eligible and we’re happy to discuss your needs and questions individually.
Student talent can help you solve short-term labour needs, tackle projects, assist with fundraising, and help your organization digitally innovate. Visit ACE-WIL’s website or contact Talent MATCH to learn more.
For more information on this FREE program:
Contact Project Manager, Debby Reis, at