BC Museum Portraits: Pitt Meadows Museum
The BC Museum Portraits Project is an audio interview and photography initiative that will result in an online archive of the ‘institutional memory’ of the Province’s museums and archives. We’re excited to preview this new collaboration between Spencer Stuart and the BC Museums Association on our website. In this episode, Spencer interviews Leslie Norman from Pitt Meadows Museum.
2020 BC Museum Portraits Collection
Interviews conducted by: Spencer Stuart
Photography by: Tayu Hayward

View of Hoffman & Son machine shop
Workshop of Hans Hoffman since the 1930s and donated by the family to the museum in 1999.

Old General Store
View of the Old General Store were permanent and temporary exhibits are shown

Interior of Hans Hoffman’s machine shop
Including his working forge as well as his collection of restored stationary engines

Interior of Hoffman & Son shop

Old General Store
View of the Old General Store were permanent and temporary exhibits are shown

Interior of Hoffman & Son shop

Interior of the Old General Store
Display showcasing the Miss Pitt Meadows Day outfit, a celebration that was held annually.

The Quonset hut
The Quonset hut behind Hoffman & Son machine shop and a part of the donation made by the Hoffman family in 1999. The hut contains some of the larger machinery acquired by Hans Hoffman over the years.

The metal forge
Interior of Hoffman & Son shop

Childrens’ toys and book
Display in the Old General Store, circa 1950s

Pitt Meadows Elementary sign-in
Pitt Meadows Museum curator, Leslie Norman, showing the Pitt Meadows Elementary sign-in/registry containing parents’ signatures as well as day-to-day activities. Its first entry is September 1909.

Interior of Hoffman & Son shop

Interior of the Old General Store
Lumber saws displayed in the rafters of the Old General Store.

Portraits of Pitt Meadows’ families
Portraits of Pitt Meadows’ families of the past as well as figures such as George Doerksen an entomologist who donated his bug collection to the museum

Portraits of Pitt Meadows’ families, early 1900s

Interior of the Old General Store

Portraits of John and Amanda Hammond
Amanda Hammond (née Row), wife of John, a geological surveyor for the CPR in the 1870s and then a fruit farmer.

Interior of Hoffman & Son shop

Interior of the Old General Store
Photo album with a photograph of Hans Hoffman next to a 125-foot Pacific red cedar that was cut down

Interior of the Old General Store
Details of butterflies from George Doerksen’s entomological collection donated to the museum

Porcelain dolls
Displayed inside the Old General Store

Interior of the Old General Store
Men’s shaving equipment, pipe smoking paraphernalia, and seeing-eye glasses from the early 1900s

Signature album
Pitt Meadows Museum curator, Leslie Norman, showing a signature album from the museum’s archive collection on the top floor of the Old General Store.

Old General Store Interior
A stereoscope on display in the Old General Store, late 19th Century

Interior of the Old General Store
Display with photography equipment collection held by the museum

Interior of the Old General Store
Assorted exhibits relating to the Pitt Meadows area

Interior of the Old General Store

Interior of the Old General Store
Close up of various items for cooking including bean pots and canning jars

Interior of the Old General Store

Interior of the Old General Store
Various items for cooking including bean pots and canning jars

Interior of the Quonset hut
The Quonset hut behind Hoffman & Son machine shop and a part of the donation made by the Hoffman family in 1999. The hut contains some of the larger machinery acquired by Hans Hoffman over the years.

Exterior of Hoffman & Son machine shop
Tthe workshop of Hans Hoffman since the 1930s and donated by the family to the museum in 1999

Leslie Norman
Pitt Meadows Museum curator, Leslie Norman

Pitt Meadows Museum archives
The archives are located on the top floor of the Old General Store

Pitt Meadows Museum archives
Archival storage located on the top floor of the Old General Store

Road maps
Display in the Old General Store

The metal forge
Interior of Hoffman & Son shop

Interior of Hoffman & Son shop

Tractor housed in Hoffman & Son shop

Interior of Hoffman & Son shop

Interior of the Old General Store

Exhibits relating to dairy farming
Interior of the Old General Store

Interior of the Old General Store

Interior of the Old General Store

Interior of the Old General Store

Interior of the Old General Store

Permanent display cabinets
Interior of the Old General Store

Pitt Meadows Museum archives
Hanging storage on the top floor of the Old General Store in the hallway outside leading to the Archives.