Join the BCMA for a read-along of useful resources!
The BCMA hosts sessions of the BCMA Book Club with staff members Lorenda and Leia. This series of online discussions aims to be part of cultural heritage professionals’ decolonization efforts and utilize existing resources to inform our work. Join us to hold yourself accountable for reading important resources to help your professional practice!

Join the BCMA Book Club
Biweekly, Tuesday, November 19 - March 4, 10:00 am PT. Click the button below to join!
Winter 2024-2025
In the Winter 2024-25 session, join Lorenda and Leia as we turn our focus towards the Indian Act. We will start with some historical editions by reading selections of Consolidation of Indian Legislation Volume II: Indian Acts and Amendments, 1868-1975 and then in the final two weeks, turn our attention to reading the current Indian Act R.S.C.,1985, c I-5 (last amended on August 15, 2019).
If you’d like more context for the Indian Act before we get started, Secret Life of Canada on CBC has a 44 minute podcast episode here.
Please note: Indian Act Legislation contains harmful and difficult content. It reflects racist opinions and attitudes and contains harmful language. We ask that all participants help create an atmosphere of mutual respect and sensitivity. Participants should prepare themselves before proceeding, and we encourage them to listen to their needs as we read and discuss these documents.
BCMA Book Club
This event has no occurences scheduled in the future.
In past sessions, the BCMA Book Club has read;
Honouring the Truth and Reconciling for the Future: Summary of the Final Report of the TRC
Moved to Action: Activating UNDRIP in Museums, by the Canadian Museum Association
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007), The Government of Canada’s United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act Action Plan (2023), and the Government of B.C’s Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act Action Plan (2022)